Refund Policy

Crystal Vibes NZ will refund or exchange any damaged or incorrect items within 14 days of purchase.

To be eligible for a refund or exchange please ensure that:

  • Photos of products are supplied with original packaging.
  • Products are in original condition upon receiving.
  • Crystal Vibes NZ is contacted within the 14-day period.
  • Receipt or proof of purchase is supplied.

We do not offer a refund or exchanges for change of mind, please select carefully.

Shipping costs are Non-Refundable.

All sales are final, we do not price match or offer credit/cash back on sale items. 

Please contact to begin the refund or exchange process with the above information.

For a faster response please contact our team through our Facebook Page:

If your return or exchange is accepted, Crystal Vibes NZ will contact you with instructions on how to proceed.

Any items sent back to Crystal Vibes NZ without following the above information first will be automatically returned to sender.